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Standards Council of Canada Relinquishes Chair of ISO/TC176

The Standards Council of Canada has advised ISO that it will relinquish the chair of ISO/TC176 as soon as a replacement can be selected. SCC and the management of ISO/TC176 are committed to a smooth and orderly transition to the new Chair, and will ensure current projects continue without disruption.

More details of the transition will be provided as they become available

SAACB Elects a New Chair

At it’s recent Annual General Meeting, the SAACB elected Mr Igor Djurdjevic as its new Chair for the next three years.

Igor Djurdjevic is an electrical engineer, having completed his BSc and MSc degrees at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. He has worked in the field of high voltage and high power testing, in distribution and transmission technologies. He worked in the Swedish Transmission Research Institute and the South African National Electrical Test Facility of the SABS. He is currently one of the directors of Conformity International, a SANAS accredited product certification body. He is also a registered professional engineer with ECSA, a member of the South African Institute of Electrical Engineers and a member of Cigre. He is an active participant on a number of SANS and IEC technical committees, being a chairperson of IEC TC 11 (Overhead Lines), SANS TC 67 SC 4: Insulators and mirror committee of IEC TC 42 (High Voltage and High Current Testing).

Global Quality and Standards Programme – South Africa 2018 – 2023

The GQSP-SA Phase I project has produced a video considering quality from 4 perspectives and can be accessed via the following link: or on the UNIDO Knowledge Hub:

ISO votes in favour of a revision of ISO 9001

The results of the ISO Technical Committee Internal Ballot on options for the future of ISO 9001 have been made available.
The ballot has returned the following voting results:
Option a): 36
Option b): 25
Abstention: 17
The results of voting indicate a simple majority of P-members in favour of option a) “Start a revision
with the scope aligned to the draft design specification”.
The next steps are:
1. establish a new WG group for the revision of ISO 9001 and appoint a Convenor/project leader. A
call for nominations for the Convenor/project leader role will be initiated on the ISO balloting portal in
the next few days.
2. circulate the draft design specification to SC 2 members for comments. The received comments
will be passed on to a new WG for the revision of ISO 9001 for discussion at its first meeting.

Further information will be available from SABS Standards SABS/ISO/TC176 as the process develops.

ASC-Africa newest member of the SAACB

The SAACB is pleased to announce its newest member.

Africa Standards and Certifications (ASC-Africa)

ASC-Africa is a SANAS accredited product certification body complying with the accreditation criteria for certification bodies as laid down in ISO/IEC 17065:2012 and guidelines in ISO/IEC 17067:2013, and is authorised to provide certification for the following schemes:

ASC-PCA-Specific-SANS 60335-Ver01 Type 5 IEC 60335-1:2020 Ed 5.2, SANS 60335-1:2018 Household and similar electrical appliances-Safety Part 1: General requirements

IEC 60335-2-9:2019 Ed 7/ SANS 60335-2-9:2020 Edition 5 Household and similar electrical appliances-safety Part 2-9: Particular requirements for grills, toasters and similar portable cooking appliances

ASC-PCA-Specific-SANS 62368 Ver 01 Type 5 SANS 62368-1:2021 Audio/Video, information and communication technology equipment Part 1: Safety requirements

New SAACB Member

The SAACB is pleased to announce its newest member

Specialised Conformity International (Pty) Ltd T/A Conformity International.

Conformity International is a SANAS accredited product and services certification body focusing on the niche products and services within the electro-technical sector (cables, cable accessories, transformers).

Future direction of management system standards (MSS)


(Technical Management Board Groups – Joint Technical Coordination Group – Task Group 15 )

ISO/TMBG/JTCG-TF15 was established to consider the architecture and structure of the MSS portfolio, looking at all aspects of MSS, from the range of topics covered, how MSS are structured, the language they use and the best way to provide supporting, technical or sector-specific companion documents. TF15 would also make recommendations to address known and perceived issues including:

  • proliferation of MSS, including sector versions of widely used MSS
  • incorrect application of the harmonized approach (ISO Directives Part 1, Annex SL)
  • lack of understanding of the distinction between MSS and management standards
  • perception of Type A MSS being the standards to aspire to – rather than what is best for the user
  • potential need for an overarching MSS- a potential new architecture to cascade generic requirements, topic requirements, and tertiary level (e.g. sector) requirements or guidance

The Task Force has now issued its final report.

Executive summary

The document outlines the key findings and recommendations from the work of JTCG Task Force 15 (TF15) on completion of the task force’s examination of the existing Management System Standards (MSS) landscape and exploration of members’ different views on what is and what is not working well. The recommendations in the report support the ISO 2030 strategy.

Many of the documents in the MSS landscape are used extensively across organizations of all types.
The growing number of documents in the landscape provides a valuable catalogue of advice upon which organizations can draw, and developments such as the harmonized approach provided by Annex SL of the ISO Directives Part 1 have been well received. However, the expanding landscape brings new challenges to which we need to respond, including:

· the need to better assist users to understand and navigate an increasingly complex MSS landscape.

· stronger governance to avoid contradictions and inconsistencies between the advice contained in different documents produced by different committees, which frustrates users who expect ISO to provide a coherent self-consistent suite of documents.

· modern digital technology is needed to collate the content of multiple documents for the user, to support the way users wish to access and use MSS content.

Change in these and other areas is needed if ISO is to maintain the value and status of its MSS portfolio for users, and to futureproof this important component of the ISO catalogue.

The report will now be considered by the SABS/TC176 Technical Committee.